
When will 70-346 and 70-347 Exams be Retired?

We all know that 70-346 and 70-347 exams are two required ones for MCSA office 365 certification. To earn this certification, you need to pass the two exams successfully. News from Microsoft official website, Microsoft 70-346 and 70-347 exams will be retired. So, when will 70-346 and 70-347 exams be retired? Many people who need to pass the two exams will want to know the answer of this question. 


When Will 70-346 and 70-347 Exams be Retired?


Microsoft 70-346 and 70-347 exams will be retired on March 31, 2019. The replacement tests will be available soon. Please pay more attention to the news on our home page. 


To prepare both Microsoft 70-346 and 70-347 exams well, you need to master all the following Microsoft 70-346 and 70-347 real exam topics. 

 70-346 Real Exam Topics  70-347 Real Exam Topics 

 Provision Office 365 (15–20%)  

 Plan and implement networking and security in Office 365 (15–20%)  

 Manage cloud identities (15–20%)  

 Implement and Manage Identities by Using Azure AD Connect (15–20%)  

 Implement and manage federated identities for single sign-on (SSO) (15–20%)  

 Monitor and troubleshoot Office 365 availability and usage (15–20%)

 Manage clients and end-user devices (20–25%)  

 Provision SharePoint Online site collections (20–25%)  

 Configure Exchange Online and Skype for Business Online for end users (20–25%)  

 Plan for Exchange Online and Skype for Business Online (20–25%)  

 Configure and Secure Office 365 services (20–25%)


Besides, you can read and practice our Microsoft 70-346 and 70-347 exam training questions. With our new updated Microsoft office 365 70-346 and 70-347 exam training questions, you can pass the tests in the first attempt. 


Note, please take Microsoft 70-346 and 70-347 exams before March 31, 2019.