
View M2090-805 IBM Sales Mastery exam test questions online.

ExamGood newest version of M2090-805 exam questions material contains 41 exam Q&As that could say they are all the same as the real exam test. You must complete 41 exam questions in 70 mins. Get more than 63 passing scores is enough for you to pass the exam test.

M2090-805 IBM Sales Mastery Test exam test contains 7 sections. We should master all the M2090-805 exam key points before taking the M2090-805 IBM Analytics Commercial Sales Mastery Test v1 exam test.

We also could read the IBM Sales Mastery M2090-805 real exam questions in this post easily. For each question we suggest you should answer them by yourself first. Actually, in our full version questions material especially for the software could achieve that easily. You can test one by one then check all the questions you answers correct or not.

Which is NOT an IBM SaaS incentive program?
A. SaaS Referral
B. Software Value Incentive
C. SVP SaaS New & Reactivated Incentive
D. Certify Business Value Incentive
Answer: D

IBM Watson is cognitive technology that processes information more like a human than a computer.
Cognitive computing is described by which of the following attributes?
A. Analyze unstructured data, store it in a repository, and synthesize it for decision making.
B. Combine structured data in new ways to generate new analytic questions to explore.
C. Describe current data, prescribe actions to take, and predict outcomes.
D. Understand natural language, generate hypotheses, and learn as you go.
Answer: D

Does a Business Partner Seller find out which customers are up for renewal?
A. Their VAD would contact IBM to obtain information on which S&S orders will renew within the next year.
B. They would contact the IBM field team with the customer relationship to get a current list.
C. They would contact their BPR, who is informed each month of customers that are renewing their S&S contracts.
D. They would contact their VAD for the report that IBM sends them of all S&S orders about to renew within the next 180 days
Answer: D 

Business Partners can earn more margin when they implement certain Plays.
For example, when IBM Business Partners sell the combination of IBM Cognos and IBM Case Manager
OR IBM Optim/Guardium and IBM StoredIQ, this would be called:
A. an Extended Play
B. a Land and Expand Play
C. a Synergy Play
D. a Road to Success Play
Answer: C

When selling into an organization, what does the Seller need to know from each individual on the
customer team involved with the project?
A. What products do they prefer?
B. What is their role and individual agenda?
C. What is their role in the project?
D. How does the project impact their job?
Answer: B

With Examgood real M2090-805 IBM Analytics Commercial Sales Mastery Test v1 exam questions we ensure you clear your IBM M2090-805 certification exam test 100%. There is no problem for you to get your IBM Sales Mastery certification.