ExamGood provide you latest version 220-901 and 220-902 exam dumps material which could ensure you clear your Comptia A+ certification exams easily. Two Comptia A+ exams 220-901 and 220-902 we should each exam contains what exam points first. We could compare the two exams directly as we can.
CompTIA A+ 220-901 covers PC hardware and peripherals, mobile device hardware, networking and troubleshooting hardware and network connectivity issues.
CompTIA A+ 220-902 covers installing and configuring operating systems including Windows, iOS, Android, Apple OS X and Linux. It also addresses security, the fundamentals of cloud computing and operational procedures.
Number of Questions |
Maximum of 90 questions per exam |
Type of Questions |
Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based |
Length of Test |
90 Minutes per exam |
Passing Score |
220-901: 675 (on a scale of 900) 220-902: 700 (on a scale of 900) |
Recommended Experience |
9 to 12 months hands-on experience in the lab or field |
Languages |
English, German, Japanese, Portuguese, French and Spanish (Modern) |
Retirement |
TBD - Usually three years after launch |
Price |
$211 USD per exam |
CompTIA A+ is the foundation of your IT career. CompTIA A+ is the preferred qualifying credential for technical support and IT operational roles. It is about much more than PC repair. Comptia A+ candidates are better prepared to troubleshoot and problem solve. Technicians understand a wide variety of issues ranging from networking and operating systems to mobile devices and security. A+ supports the ability to connect users to the data they need to do their jobs regardless of the devices being used.