
Updated Microsoft MTA 98-361 Training Questions

Microsoft MTA 98-361 training questions have been updated, which can make sure you pass the test successfully. Candidates for this Microsoft MTA Software Development Fundamentals 98-361 exam are seeking to prove core software development skills. To take Microsoft MTA 98-361 exam, candidates need to be familiar with the concepts of and have hands-on experience with the technologies described here either by taking relevant training courses or by working with tutorials and samples available on MSDN and in Microsoft Visual Studio.


There are 164 Q&As in Microsoft MTA 98-361 training questions updated version, which can help you test all the following exam topics. 


98-361 Exam Topics

After you master all the above Microsoft MTA 98-361 exam topics, you can prepare the test well. Share some Microsoft certification 98-361 exam training questions below. 


1.You are designing a class for an application. You need to restrict the availability of the member variable accessCount to the base class and to any classes that are derived from the base class. Which access modifier should you use?

A. Protected

B. Private

C. Public

D. Friend

Answer: B


2.You plan to create an application for your company. The application will run automated routines and write the results to a text-based log file. Little or no user interaction is required. Security requirements on the host computers prevent you from running applications on startup, and users must be able to see the status easily on the screen. The host computers also have limited memory and monitors that display only two colors. These computers will have no network connectivity. Which type of application should you use for this environment?

A. Directx

B. Windows Service

C. console-based

D. Windows Store app

Answer: C


3.You are creating an application for a priority help desk center. The most recent call must be handled first.Which data structure should you use?

A. queue

B. hashtable

C. stack

D. binary tree

Answer: C


With our updated Microsoft MTA 98-361 training questions, you can pass 98-361 exam successfully.