
Updated Microsoft Azure Architect AZ-300 Training Questions

News for candidates who want to earn new Microsoft Azure Architect certification, Microsoft AZ-300 training questions have been updated, which contain 62 questions and answers. Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions 70-535 exam has been retired on Dec.31, 2018, and the new replacement tests are AZ-300 and AZ-301 exams. If you have passed Microsoft 70-535 exam before Dec.31, 2018 and want to earn New Azure Architect certification, you need to pass Microsoft AZ-302 exam to earn the new Azure Architect certification. 


Updated Microsoft AZ-300 training questions


Our new Microsoft Azure Architect AZ-300 training questions can help you test the following real exam topics. 


Deploy and Configure Infrastructure (25-30%)

Implement Workloads and Security (20-25%)

Create and Deploy Apps (5-10%)

Implement Authentication and Secure Data (5-10%)

Develop for the Cloud (20-25%)

From the above details of Microsoft Azure Architect AZ-300 exam topics, you can know "Deploy and Configure Infrastructure" is the most important section. Share some Microsoft AZ-300 exam training questions below, and you can check the questions quality. 


1.You create a social media application that users can use to upload images and other content.Users report that adult content is being posted in an area of the site that is accessible to and intended for young children.You need to automatically detect and flag potentially offensive content. The solution must not require any custom coding other than code to scan and evaluate images.What should you implement?

A. Bing Visual Search

B. Bing Image Search

C. Custom Vision Search

D. Computer Vision API

Answer: D


2.You are creating an IoT solution using Azure Time Series Insights.You configure the environment to ensure that all data for the current year is available.What should you do?

A. Add a disaster recovery (DR) strategy.

B. Set a value for the Data retention time setting.

C. Change the pricing tier.

D. Create a reference data set.

Answer: D


3.You create an Azure Time Series Insights event handler. You need to send data over the network as efficiently as possible and optimize query performance.What should you do?

A. Create a query plan

B. Send all properties

C. Use a Tag ID

D. Use reference data

Answer: D


Use our updated Microsoft Azure Architect AZ-300 training questions to pass the test successfully. We also provide the latest AZ-301 and AZ-302 training questions, you can click the following link to view. 


AZ-301 Microsoft Azure Architect Design

AZ-302 Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Certification Transition