
Released Huawei H35-912-ENU Training Questions

Huawei Certified Specialist-Data Center and Network Equipment Hardware Installation (Written) H35-912 training questions have been released, which are helpful for you to clear H35-912 exam. Recently, Huawei certifications are accepted by many candidates, who want to improve their career. To prepare and pass Huawei H35-912 exam easily, our new released H35-912 training questions are your best choice. Share some Huawei H35-912 exam samples questions and answers below. 
Released Huawei H35-912-ENU Training Questions
1.MA5800 box series, which of the following statements about the environment confirmation are correct? (Multiple choice)
A. Need to confirm that the DC voltage provided by the equipment room should be -38.4V~-57.6V
B. Confirm that the ODF or MDF has been installed.
C. No need to prepare tool and instrument
D. Confirm that the equipment grounding bar has been installed.
Answer: ABD

2.The CH220/CH221 compute node performs IO expansion on the basis of the CH121 compute node, and supports up to four PCIe cards in full-width slots.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

3.The signal cable can be placed on the heat dissipation mesh of the cabinet.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B

4.After the OceanStor V3 is powered on, the power indicator on the controller enclosure is flashing green.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B

5.Which of the following statements about going to the lower part of working at height and hoisting correct?
A. It is forbidden to enter the lower part of working at height and hoisting.
B. You can enter the lower part of working at height and hoisting. You need to bring PPE.
C. In the case of safety reminder, on the basis of PPE, you can enter the lower part of working at height and hoisting.

Answer: A

The above 5 sample questions are part of full version of Huawei H35-912-ENU training questions. There are 173 Q&As in our Huawei H35-912-ENU training questions. With our Huawei certification H35-912-ENU training questions, you can prepare and pass H35-912-ENU exam successfully.