Nokia Advanced Optical Network Design 4A0-255 exam is a related test for Nokia Optical Design Expert and Nokia Optical Network Architect certifications. We have cracked the latest Nokia certification 4A0-255 exam training questions, which are helpful for you to study the test well. I collected Nokia Advanced Optical Network Design 4a0-255 exam information, topics and training questions for you to prepare the test.
Module 1-Review of Network Design Fundamentals
Module 2-Network Optimization
Module 3-Quality of Transmission (QoT) guaranteed design-Advanced transmission techniques
Module 4-Quality of Transmission (QoT) guaranteed design-Assessing and improving optical reach
Module 5-Configuring Networks and Network Elements
Module 6-Design and Control of Converged Optical Networks
Module 7-Advanced Service Requirements
Module 8-Overview of Network Management Infrastructure
Module 9-Case Study: Designing an Advanced Optical Network
1. Which of the following is an advantage of grooming?
A. Reducing the number of wavelengths
B. Reducing the noise
C. Increasing the optical reach
D. Increasing the availability
Answer: A
2. Which of the following best defines the term “coherent receiver”?
A. The coherent receiver has a local oscillator for detecting the “absolute” phase of the received signal.
B. The coherent receiver has two photoreceivers for detecting the “differential” phase of the received signal.
C. The coherent receiver has an integrated WDM demultiplexer for coherent detection of the different wavelengths.
D. The coherent receiver has a local interleaver for detecting the “differential” phase of the different wavelengths.
Answer: A
3. Which of the following statements about the use of guardband between coherent channels is TRUE?
A. Guardband is not mandatory between coherent channels at any rate.
B. Guardband is mandatory between coherent channels at 100G and higher.
C. Guardband is mandatory between coherent channels at 200G and higher.
D. Guardband is mandatory between coherent channels at any rate.
Answer: A
4. Is it possible to allocate a 50GHz channel on flex-grid?
A. Yes; it will occupy 5 frequency slices.
B. Yes; it will occupy 4 frequency slices.
C. Yes; it will occupy 1/2 of a frequency slice.
D. No; a 50 GHz channel can only be configured on a fixed grid.
Answer: B
5.What is the main limitation of using the received power to assess the quality of transmission (QoT) of an optical channel?
A. It can only be used for non-coherent optical channels.
B. It can only be used for transponders with high sensitivity.
C. The impact of fiber attenuation is not taken into account.
D. The impact of noise and distortion, as well as other issues not connected with the amount of optical power, is not taken
into account.
Answer: D