
New Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate Certification

New Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate Certification test the following skills: Deploy Windows, Manage devices and data, Configure connectivity, Maintain Windows, Deploy and update operating systems, Manage policies and profiles, Manage and protect devices and Manage apps and data. To earn Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate certification, you need to pass both Microsoft MD-100 and MD-101 exams.


New Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate certification


The following Microsoft MD-100 and MD-101 exam topics are helpful for you to clear the tests.


 Exam Codes  Exam Topics
 MD-100 Windows 10

 Deploy Windows (15-20%)  

 Manage Devices and Data (35-40%)  

 Configure Connectivity (15-20%)  

 Maintain Windows (25-30%)

 MD-101 Managing Modern Desktops

 Deploy and Update Operating Systems (15-20%)  

 Manage Policies and Profiles (35-40%)  

 Manage and Protect Devices (15-20%)  

 Manage Apps and Data (25-30%)

Note: If you have passed Microsoft 70-698 exam, you only need to take MD-101 Managing Modern Desktops to earn Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate Certification.

Besides, Microsoft 70-698 exam will be retired on March 31, 2019, the new replacement tests are MD-100 and MD-101 exams.