
New Fortinet NSE5_FMG-6.0 Training Questions Available

New Fortinet NSE5_FMG-6.0 training questions are available, which can guarantee you pass Fortinet NSE 5-FortiManager 6.0 exam successfully. There are 35 Q&As in our Fortinet NSE5_FMG-6.0 exam training questions, which cover all the required exam skills. 


NSE5_FMG-6.0 training questions available


About NSE5_FMG-6.0 Exam


NSE5_FMG-6.0 exam is a required test for NSE 5–Network Security Analyst certification, which also requires to pass FortiAnalyzer 6.0 Specialist exam. NSE5_FMG-6.0 is a new exam for FortiManager Specialist. The old one is FortiManager 5.4 Specialist NSE5_FMG-5.4, which will be retired on May 27th, 2019. NSE 5 certification requires passing both the FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer Specialist exams. Besides, NSE5 certification is valid in 2 years. 


NSE5_FMG-6.0 Exam Information


The following NSE5_FMG-6.0 exam information will help you have a basic understand of FotiManager 6.0 Specialist exam. 


Exam Code: NSE5_FMG-6.0

Language: English and Japanese

Available at: Pearson VUE Test Centers worldwide

Type of questions: Multiple choice and multiple select

Time required between attempts: 15 days

Number of items: 35

Time allowed to complete: 70 minutes total test time


NSE5_FMG-6.0 Training Questions Show


The following Fortinet NSE 5–FortiManager 6.0 NSE5_FMG-6.0 exam training questions can help you check the quality of our product. 


1.When installation is performed from the FortiManager, what is the recovery logic used between FortiManager and FortiGate for an FGFM tunnel?

A. After 15 minutes, FortiGate will unset all CLI commands that were part of the installation that caused the tunnel to go down.

B. FortiManager will revert and install a previous configuration revision on the managed FortiGate.

C. FortiGate will reject the CLI commands that will cause the tunnel to go down.

D. FortiManager will not push the CLI commands as a part of the installation that will cause the tunnel to go down.

Answer: C


2.An administrator has added all the devices in a Security Fabric group to FortiManager.How does the administrator identify the root FortiGate?

A. By a dollar symbol ($) at the end of the device name

B. By an at symbol (@) at the end of the device name

C. By a QUESTION NO: mark(?) at the end of the device name

D. By an Asterisk (*) at the end of the device name

Answer: D


3.Which of the following statements are true regarding schedule backup of FortiManager? (Choose two.)

A. Backs up all devices and the FortiGuard database.

B. Does not back up firmware images saved on FortiManager

C. Supports FTP, SCP, and SFTP

D. Can be configured from the CLI and GUI

Answer: CD

4.Which of the following statements are true regarding ADOM revisions? (Choose two.)

A. ADOM revisions can significantly increase the size of the configuration backups.

B. ADOM revisions can save the current size of the whole ADOM

C. ADOM revisions can create System Checkpoints for the FortiManager configuration

D. ADOM revisions can save the current state of all policy packages and objects for an ADOM

Answer: AD


5.Which of the following statements are true regarding SD-WAN Central Management? (Choose three.)

A. SD-WAN must be enabled on per-ADOM basis

B. SD-WAN settings can be installed on multiple FortiGate devices at the same time

C. You can create multiple SD-WAN interfaces per VDOM

D. When you configure an SD-WAN, you must specify at least two member interfaces.

E. The first step in creating an SD-WAN using FortiManager is to create two SD-WAN firewall policies.

Answer: BCD


Note: our NSE5_FMG-6.0 training questions can guarantee you pass in the first attempt. If you fail the test with our NSE5_FMG-6.0 training questions, you can get full payment fee refund.