
MCSA: Dynamics 365 for Operations Certification

MCSA: Dynamics 365 for Operations Certification demonstrates your skills in Microsoft Dynamics 365 technologies to implement the basic technical and development tasks required to customize Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations. To earn this MCSA Dynamics 365 for Operations certification, you need to pass the following two exams.


MCSA Dynamics 365 for Operations Certification


1. Microsoft 70-764 OR 70-765 exam


70-764 Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure


Microsoft 70-764 exam is intended for database professionals who perform installation, maintenance, and configuration tasks.


OR 70-765 Provisioning SQL Databases


Microsoft 70-765 exam is intended for architects, senior developers, infrastructure specialists, and development leads. 


To prepare Microsoft 70-764 OR 70-765 exam well, you need to master the following exam topics.


 70-764 Exam Topics  70-765 Exam Topics

 Configure data access and auditing (20–25%)  

 Manage backup and restore of databases (20–25%)  

 Manage and monitor SQL Server instances (35–40%)   

 Manage high availability and disaster recovery (20–25%)

 Implement SQL in Azure (40–45%)   

 Manage databases and instances (30-35%)   

 Manage Storage (30–35%)

2. MB6-894 Exam

MB6-894 Development, Extensions and Deployment for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations


Microsoft MB6-894 exam validates you have skills in implementing the basic technical and development tasks required to customize Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Retail.


Master the following Microsoft MB6-894 exam topics, you will prepare the test well.


Understand the architecture and development environment (20-25%)

Develop new elements by using Application Explorer (20-25%)

Read and Write Basic X++ (20-25%)

Manage the User Interface and Security for Developers (20-25%)

Develop and extend retail components (15-20%)


After you complete the above two steps, you can earn MCSA Dynamics 365 for Operations certification. Our new updated Microsoft 70-764, 70-765 and MB6-894 training questions can help you pass them successfully.