
Know Procedure of Huawei HCNA/HCS-Pre-sales exam quickly!

Know procedure about Huawei certification exam before taking your exam. Huawei Certification exam is supplied by the Prometric testing Service Company. There are different requirements and processes for different level and technical field certification exams.


1. The exam requirement

 Huawei HCNA/HCS-Pre-sales exam requirement


2. The exam process


Huawei HCNA/HCS-Pre-sales exam procedure


For HCNA/HCS-Pre-sales exams, you have to appoint and pay for the exam fee in advance and then take the exam at the exam center you reserved. You can apply for the certificate through Huawei website if you passed the exam.


1. Schedule Exam
Prometric offers candidates 3 convenient ways for exam reservations.
1)Access to Prometric website to make online exam appointments.
2)Register and schedule an exam via Customer Service Call Center and multiple service lines are available in order to serve candidates from various locations.
3)Reserve an exam at the nearest Prometric Authorized Testing Center.
4)More Frequently Asked Questions about Prometric exam.


2. Payment
1)For appointment method 1 and 2:  Credit card or exam voucher
2)For appointment method 3:  Credit card, exam voucher or cash

2. Exam Voucher Purchasing
Purchase exam voucher from Prometric authorized testing center

3. Take Exam

Go to the testing center that you appointed at the time you scheduled. The testing center will give the score report just after you finished the exam.


4. Certificate Application
1) Apply for the certificate from Huawei training and certification website 3 working days after you passed all exam(s) of the certification.
2) Electronic certificate: Huawei will send the certificate to your Email within 3 working days. Paper certificate: Huawei will send the certificate to you by mail within 5 working days and send the tracking No. Typically of mail to your Email.
3) Huawei provides soft copy certificate, please check your E-mail box that you used for certificate application about 7 days after you submitted the application.
4) If you have some other query about certificate application you can send an E-mail to [email protected].