
How to get Avaya 7391X and 7491X exam objectives easily?

ExamGood 7391X and 7491X exam questions material are released today. For Avaya candidates you may need to know how to get Avaya 7391X and 7491X exam objectives quickly? We compare the exam information especially the exam objectives of two exams Avaya 7391X and 7491X as the following you could get easily.

The Avaya Aura Call Center Elite and Call Center Elite Multichannel Implementation Exam 7391X is a requirement to earn the ACIS - Avaya Aura? Call Center Elite and Call Center Elite Multichannel credential.

Avaya 7391X exam has 68 questions and the minimum passing score is 66% (45 of 68 correct). The candidate has 90 minutes to complete 7391X exam.

Avaya 7391X Exam Objectives 

Avaya 7391X exam covers the following learning objectives: 

Describe components for Call Center Elite and Call Center Elite Multichannel.

Set up the features and capabilities of Avaya Aura? Communication Manager in call centers.
Plan and configure resources for call centers.
Plan and configure vectors in call centers for handling calls.
Describe network routing.
Describe Basic Call Management.
Prepare to install Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel server applications.
Describe the components for Call Center Elite Multichannel.
Utilize the configuration server for Call Center Elite Multichannel.
Describe the Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop
Describe and configure the types of contacts available in Call Center Elite Multichannel.
Configure call routing to agents using the Interaction Data Server.
Explain the reporting capabilities available from Avaya Aura? Communication Manager.
Configure and use real-time and historical reports for Avaya Aura? Call Center Elite Multichannel.

The Avaya Aura Call Center Elite and Call Center Elite Multichannel Support Exam (7491X) is a requirement to earn the ACSS - Avaya Aura? Call Center Elite and Call Center Elite Multichannel credential.

Avaya 7491X exam has 65 questions and the minimum passing score is 68% (44 of 65 correct). The candidate has 90 minutes to complete 7491X exam.

Avaya 7491X test objectives 

Avaya 7491X test covers the following learning objectives:

Describe the disciplines associated with problem solving and troubleshooting.

Troubleshoot an Avaya Aura Call Center Elite deployment.
Identify how alternate routing to multiple call centers can benefit customers.
Describe the purpose of enhanced Call Vectoring features and commands.
Troubleshoot vector variables within Avaya Aura Call Center Elite.
Describe the deployment requirements of Avaya Aura? Call Center Elite Multichannel in a virtual environment.
Describe how to install and troubleshoot the prerequisites for Avaya Aura? Call Center Elite Multichannel.
Describe how to install and troubleshoot the Avaya Aura? Call Center Elite Multichannel software.
Describe configuration issues with Call Center Elite Multichannel and how to fix them.
Install, configure, and use Ttrace.
Evaluate Avaya Aura? Call Center Elite Multichannel Alarms and Notifications.
Identify other features that you can use with Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel.