
HCNP-Security H12-721 and H12-722 exams questions updated today.

Many Huawei HCNP-Security candidates need to clear H12-721,H12-722 and H12-723 exams. We are very glad to let you know we have cracked exams H12-721 HCNP-Security-CISN and HCNP-Security-CSSN V3.0 H12-722 recently. You could use our latest valid version of exams H12-721 HCNP-Security-CISN, HCNP-Security-CSSN V3.0 H12-722 to prepare for your HCNP-Security certification exam.

Know each exam contents of HCNP-Security-CISN V3.0 H12-721 and H12-722 HCNP-Security-CSSN V3.0.

H12-721 HCNP-Security-CISN exam covers network security device management, firewall intelligent routing, firewall high availability, VPN technology and application, firewall bandwidth management and virtual firewall technology.

H12-722 HCNP-Security-CSSN exam covers content security filtering technology, Web security, intrusion detection and prevention technology, anti-virus technology, network attack prevention technology, big data and cloud security technology.

Free test exam questions of H12-721 HCNP-Security-CISN V3.0 and H12-722 HCNP-Security-CSSN V3.0.

Each bandwidth policy that references a bandwidth channel is individually constrained by the bandwidth channel, that is, the traffic that meets the matching conditions of the bandwidth policy, and the maximum bandwidth resource is exclusive.
Which of the following options is a reference to this type of bandwidth channel?
A. Bandwidth reuse
B. Dynamic sharing
C. Strategy Sharing
D. Exclusive strategy
Answer: D

In an Eth-Trunk interface, load balancing can be implemented by configuring different weights on member links.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

What are the load balancing algorithms supported by the Huawei USG6000 firewall?
A. Source IP hash algorithm
B. Simple polling algorithm
C. Weighted polling algorithm
D. Ratio
Answer: ABC

What are the three aspects that need to be considered when designing a cloud platform security solution? (Multiple choices)
A. Infrastructure security
B. Tenant security
C. How to manage the operation and maintenance
D. Hardware Maintenance
Answer: ABC

Regarding the local black and white list of anti-spam messages, which of the following statements is wrong?
A. The black and white list is matched by extracting the destination IP address of the SMTP connection
B. The black and white list is matched by the sender's dns suffix
C. Black and white lists are matched by extracting the source IP address of the SMTP connection
D. Block the connection if the source IP address of the SMTP connection matches the blacklist
Answer: B

Which of the following options does not belong to the characteristics of Trojans?
A. Not self-replicating but parasitic
B. Trojans replicate themselves
C. Actively Infectious
D. The ultimate intent is to steal information and implement remote monitoring
Answer: C

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