2017.12.7 News from Examgood.com that we cracked the H12-222 HCNP-R&S-IENP V2.0 certification exam. In last month we spent a lot of time to prepare for this hottest exam. Now today the latest valid version V11.02 of Huawei HCNP-R&S-IENP V2.0 H12-222 exam with 285 questions are released. We can ensure you get high scores more than 900 even if 950 points. However the prerequisite is that you should use OUR 11.02 Version with 285 questions material to prepare for your HCNP-R&S-IENP V2.0 certification exam test.
Which of the following statements regarding the firewall zone is true?
A. Different zones of Firewall can use the same priority.
B. A firewall interface can belong to different zones.
C. Different firewall interfaces can belong to the same zone.
D. The default firewall zone can be deleted.
Answer: C
eSight single-server mode allows login of only one user. If another user logs in, the system displays a message indicating that a user is online currently.
Answer: B
Which of the following are highlights of the Service Chain component of the Agile Controller? (Multiple Choice)
A. Services are orchestrated based on the Layer 3 GRE tunnels and service devices can be deployed flexibly.
B. Service orchestration operations are visualized in the topology, simplifying the configuration and management.
C. Adding or deleting service devices does not change the physical topology of the live network and existing routes.
D. Services are orchestrated automatically, without the need for manual maintenance.
Answer: ABC
Which IP precedence value represents the critical service traffic?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 5
D. 6
Answer: C
What about all outgoing labels in the label forwarding table of a MPLS-capable device for the same route with the same next hop?
A. They must be different.
B. They must be the same.
C. They may be the same.
Answer: B
In the past, plenty of Huawei candidates selected our Examgood site to prepare for their
Huawei HCNP-R&S certification exam. For this HCNP certification you should complete 3 exams H12-221(HCNP-R&S-IERS),H12-222(HCNP-R&S-IENP) and H12-223(HCNP-R&S-IEEP). They validates each certification that you should master the exam knowledge points or skills.
With the latest valid related exam prep will be easier for you to clear the exam. However, if Huawei company changed the exam that will be the bad news for our Huawei candidates who dont have much time to prepare for their exams. Dont worry about this. We could give you a good hand in preparing for your exam test. For this HCNP-R&S-IENP V2.0 H12-222 exam changed one month ago, so most of our Huawei candidates who still have not taken the exam and they asked for the update version. Here we are always waiting for your feedback and giving you the best help.