H13-711-ENU real questions material is available. There are 201 exam questions in our valid version currently. The H13-711 is the Chinese version and H13-711-ENU is the English version. For the Huawei certification we only offer the SOFT version format.
H13-711 HCNA-Big Data certification is based on the subject of big data technology with the focus on how to build, assess, and certify the planning and design, deployment and implementation, and O&M management capabilities of FusionInsight HD. Get your
HCNA-Big Data certification you should complete H13-711-ENU exam test.
The HCNA-Big Data curriculum includes, but is not limited to the architecture, design, deployment, and maintenance of the FusionInsight HD solution. It provides the foundations of technical principles, design, deployment, management, and maintenance of common big data components. These include HBase, Hive, Loader, MapReduce, Yarn, HDFS, Spark, Flume, Kafka, ZooKeeper, and Streaming
Passing the HCNA-Big Data V1.0 qualification certifies that the holder has a firm understanding of the Huawei FusionInsight HD solution including the relevant big data architectures and technical principles.
Our familiar Huawei candidates could know our site service simply. For Huawei exams we spend a lot time to collect all the real questions and we could ensure you pass 100% so we only offer the SOFT version format to protect our site benefit.