
Clear PEGACPMC74V1 to earn CPMC Version 7.4 Certification

Want to earn CPMC Version 7.4 certification? Search latest PEGACPMC74V1 training questions online? CPMC certification is for professionals participating in the design and development of a Pega Marketing solution. PEGACPMC74V1 exam is a required test for CPMC Version 7.4 certification. We have released the latest PEGACPMC74V1 training questions, which are helpful for you to clear the test and earn CPMC Version 7.4 certification. 


Clear PEGACPMC74V1 to earn CPMC Version 7.4 Certification

PEGACPMC74V1 Exam Format

CPMC 7.4 PEGACPMC74V1 exam includes Multiple choice questions. There are 63 questions in real Certified Pega Marketing Consultant (CPMC) 74V1 PEGACPMC74V1 exam, and you have 90 minutes to complete the test. 

PEGACPMC74V1 Passing Score

The required passing score of CPMC 7.4 PEGACPMC74V1 exam is 70%. If you score more than 70%, and then you pass the test successfully; if you score less than 70%, and then you fail the test. 

PEGACPMC74V1 Exam Topics

CPMC Version 7.4 certification PEGACPMC74V1 exam topics cover the following 5 sections. 

Next-Best-Action (6%)

Outbound Campaign (13%)

Simulations (5%)

Decision Strategies (47%)

Multi-Channel Campaign (29%)

Master all the above PEGACPMC74V1 exam topics, you can know the test well.

PEGACPMC74V1 Training Questions

Our new released PEGACPMC74V1 training questions can help you test all the above exam topics. Share some CPMC version 7.4 PEGACPMC74V1 training questions below. 

1.To test the strategy changes, we make use of a ________________.

A. data report

B. test strategy

C. data transform

D. test user

Answer: C

2.To add an additional property to an Event Payload, you must ___________________.

A. declare a new event sub type

B. create a new property in the event strategy

C. add a new strategy property

D. create a new property in the PegaMKT-Data-Event class

Answer: A

3.On the File landing page, the status of output file template shows “In Progress”. What action is required to see the data?

A. Downloading

B. Finalizing and downloading

C. Waiting until the status changes to “Completed”

D. Checking in the file output template

Answer: D

Use our PEGACPMC74V1 training questions to clear the test and earn CPMC Version 7.4 Certification, which can help you save time and money.