
Cisco DCII 300-165 exam has been updated now.

Cisco DCII 300-165 training exam has been updated now. Attention to the latest news of 300-165 exam. 165 questions are in our training exam material.


For this exam, it tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing data center infrastructure including key protocols, routing and switching protocols, maintenance, management, operations, security, and storage.

Gather all the exam information from Cisco site. It shows that the Implementing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure (DCII) exam (300-165) is a 90-minute, 60–70 question assessment.


300-165 exam is one of the exams associated with the CCNP Data Center Certification. 300-165 exam tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing Cisco data center infrastructure including key protocols, routing and switching protocols, maintenance, management, operations, security, and storage. The course, Implementing Cisco Data Center Infrastructure v6 (DCII), helps candidates to prepare for this exam because the content is aligned with the exam topics.