
Adobe Campaign AD0-E302 Training Questions

New Adobe Campaign AD0-E302 training questions have been released, which are the best material for you to study the test. Adobe AD0-E302 exam is a required test for Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner Expert Certification, which demonstrates to the marketplace that you're able to perform a job role using Adobe's leading solutions. The following Adobe AD0-E302 exam information is helpful for you to study the test. 


Adobe Campaign AD0-E302 Training Questions


Adobe AD0-E302 Exam

Certificate level: Certified Expert
Status: Active
Available languages: English
Number of questions: 50
Formats: Multiple choice and multiple select
Duration: 90 minutes
Delivery: Online proctored (requires camera access) or test center proctored
Passing mark: 70% or 550 using a scaled score format of 300 to 700
Price: $180 USD

Adobe Campaign AD0-E302 Exam Objectives

Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner AD0-E302 exam objectives cover the following sections.
Section 1: Campaign design and management (15%)
Section 2: Delivery management (31%)
Section 3: Workflow management (25%)
Section 4: Administration (12%)
Section 5: Using Email Designer (7%)
Section 6: Using reports (10%)

Study Adobe AD0-E302 Training Questions

Adobe certification AD0-E302 training questions new version can help you test all the above exam objectives. Share some Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner AD0-E302 training questions and answers below. 
1.A campaign business practitioner is monitoring a delivery during its analysis. The campaign business
practitioner notes that the audit has indicated two items with a warning.What happen with the delivery because of the warning?
A. The delivery generates an error and does NOT deploy
B. The delivery generates an error and at the end of the analysis but deploys the email
C. The delivery deploys the email
D. The delivery generates an error but does NOT deploy
Answer: C

2.During a testing phase, a Campaign Business Practitioner needs to send the test emails to a personal email addresses to see how they look in the inbox. The Campaign Business Practitioner is NOT in the recipient table.How should the Campaign Business Practitioner perform this task?
A. Pick any email address and use the preview to see what it looks like
B. Go through the standard process for adding recipients
C. Type the address into the “To:” section
D. Add the email to a seed list
Answer: A

3.During an investigation, a business practitioner modifies workflows properties to keep the results of interim populations between two executions.What is the purpose of this step? (Choose two.)
A. To export data that is passed between two activities in the workflow
B. To configure the schema of the data that is passed between two activities in the workflow
C. To modify the data that is being passed between two activities in the workflow
D. To add filtering criteria to data that is being passed between two activities in the workflow
E. To save data created with each run of the workflow to a list
Answer: D,E

4.Campaigns with many deliveries are using multiple channels.How should the Business Practitioner group these deliveries for reporting?
A. delete all deliveries that do not need to be in the report
B. give all deliveries the same Delivery Code
C. base all deliveries on the same template
D. give all deliveries the same name
Answer: B

5.A Business Practitioner’s subscription report shows low loyalty.Which three methods should the Business Practitioner use to improve subscription loyalty? (Choose three.)
A. offer compelling content
B. use double opt-in process
C. reduce the frequency of deliveries
D. remove the un-subscription link
Answer: A,B,C