Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Deployment AZ-100 and Microsoft Azure Integration and Security AZ-101 exams are new replacement tests of 70-533 exam, which will be retired on Dec.31, 2018. After the retired date of Microsoft 70-533 exam, you only can take AZ-100 and AZ-101 exams. Let me show the differences of exam topics between 70-533, AZ-100 and AZ-101 tests.
Check the details in the following table.
70-533 Exam Topics | AZ-100 Exam Topics | AZ-101 Exam Topics |
Design and Implement Azure App Service Apps (10-15%) Create and Manage Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines (20-25%) Design and Implement a Storage Strategy (10-15%) Implement Virtual Networks (15-20%) Design and Deploy ARM Templates (10-15%) Manage Azure Security and Recovery Services (25-30%) Manage Azure Operations (5-10%) Manage Azure Identities (5-10%) |
Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15-20%) Implement and manage storage (20-25%) Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (20-25%) Configure and manage virtual networks (20-25%) Manage identities (15-20%) |
Evaluate and perform server migration to Azure (15-20%) Implement and manage application services (20-25%) Implement advanced virtual networking (30-35%) Secure identities (25-30%) |
With the above details of Microsoft 70-533, AZ-100 and AZ-101 exam topics in the table, you will know the new parts available in AZ-100 and AZ-101 exams. You can still take 70-533 exam before Dec.31, 2018. Examgood will release the latest AZ-100 and AZ-101 exam training questions, please pay attention to the news on our website.