We have to let you know that 174 questions of V13.02 H13-621 HCNP-Storage-CCSN V4.0 is cracked version today. From our website you could access to learn H13-621 HCNP-Storage-CCSN exam questions that are both lean and full coverage of knowledge. We think that when you open HCNP-Storage-CCSN H13-621 exam news you will be curious about more about Huawei Certified Network Professional- Constructing Converged Storage Network exam.
Question number of ExamGood H13-621 HCNP-Storage-CCSN exam
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Huawei H13-621 HCNP-Storage-CCSN V4.0 exam passed request
Certification |
Exam Code |
Exam Name |
Duration |
Pass Score/Total Score |
HCNP-Storage |
H13-621 |
HCNP-Storage-CCSN(Huawei Certified Network Professional - Constructing Converged Storage Network) |
90 min |
600/1000 |
HCNP-Storage H13-621-ENU exam demo questions
Which of the following statements is correct?
Statement 1: Manually selecting disks for a disk domain is a risky, therefore unadvised, process.
Statement 2: All LUNs in a disk domain must share the same RAID level.
A. Statement 1 and 2 are both true,
B. Statement 1 is true. Statement 2 is false.
C. Statement 1 is false. Statement 2 is true.
D. Statement 1 and 2 are both false.
Answer: B
Because SmartDedupe and SmartCompression can reduce the total required storage spacer, they can also reduce the initial investment.
Answer: A
Which protocol provides the fastest transfer speed?
A. 10 GE iSCSI
D. Infiniband
Answer: D
From a Windows client perspective, a NAS looks more like a network drive whereas a SAN looks more like a local drive.
Answer: A
Which of the following statements is true.
A) An eDevLUN is always on a third party device?
B) A mirror copy should come from a different domain than the local LUN?
A. Statement A is true and Statement B is false.
B. Statement A is false and Statement B is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.
Answer: B
SmartDedupe of the OceanStor 5300 V3 is supported only by the thin file system.
Answer: B

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